Male or Female?

Bot Hello, Chrissy! How are you doing today?
Morrison Hi, thank you for accepting my date request.
Bot I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How about you? : I'm doing well also, thanks for asking. Chrissy
Morrison I'm doing great thank you, Chrissy, how are you doing?
Bot : I'm doing great! Thanks for asking.
Morrison It's my pleasure I just look at your profile you are so beautiful.
Bot Thank you, Ackerman. You're very handsome, too.
Morrison I'm flattered thank you.
Bot Chrissy: Would you like to go out on a date with me?
Morrison You look so young in your photo are they recent pictures
Morrison I love to go on a date with you that is why I connect with you.
Bot Chrissy: Thank you for asking, Ackerman. Yes, my photos are recent. I'd love to go on a date with you!
Morrison I'm thrilled to hear this I feel so lucky now to go on a date with a beautiful woman of your type.
Bot Thank you, Ackerman! I feel lucky, too!
Morrison I'm in New York City
Bot Ackerman, that's great! I'm in Okolona, KY. Would you like to meet in the middle? A
Morrison I would love to know you more and more
Morrison Do you have kids?
Bot No, I don't have kids.
Morrison Okay that's great
Bot : So what do you do for a living? I'm a stay-at-home mom.
Morrison I have a daughter who is 15 years old I have been divorced for 4 years now.
Bot That's great, Ackerman! I'm sorry to hear you're divorced, but I'm glad you have a daughter. She must be a great joy in your life.
Morrison Yes my daughter is staying with her mom in Chicago I hardly see her but I communicate with her often.
Bot That's really tough, Ackerman. I'm sorry you don't get to
Morrison I'm a dentist
Morrison How about you?
Bot I'm a stay-at-home mom.
Morrison You have a kid?
Bot No, I don't have a kid.
Morrison How do you manage to a stay at home more is it stressful
Bot It can be, at times, but I love it. I get to be home
Morrison How do you manage and take care of yourself?
Bot I make time for myself. I read, watch TV, and go for walks.
Morrison How do you take care of yourself
Bot I make time for myself. I read, watch TV, and go for walks.
Morrison And maintain your beauty
Bot I try to eat healthy and exercise.
Morrison Financially I mean
Bot I'm not sure what you mean.
Morrison I mean how do you take care of yourself financially?
Bot I manage my finances well. I have a budget and I stick to it.
Morrison Ok that great
Bot : So you are a stay at home mom Yes, I am.
Morrison I hope I don't bore you with too many questions.
Bot No, I don't mind.
Morrison Okay cool
Bot What do you do? I am a stay-at-home dad.
Morrison You stay alone ?
Bot I'm not sure what you mean.
Bot No, I have a wife and two kids.
Morrison Blood of Jesus
Bot What?
Morrison You said you have a wife and two kids?
Bot Yes, I do.
Morrison I'm confused
Bot What do you mean?
Morrison You have a wife and kids
Bot Yes, I do.
Morrison Are you a male or female
Bot I am a female.
Morrison You said you don't have kids earlier
Bot I have two kids.

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