Community Guidelines

Host virtual speed dating events or in-person events that create real human connections!

Prohibited group and event practices on Filteroff

Helping singles find a connection is what Filteroff is all about—however, there are a few types of communities that we cannot support on our platform due to safety, legal, or ethical reasons. If Filteroff determines that your group or its events fall into any of the following categories, we may remove the group at our sole discretion.

Filteroff does not support Communities and events related to any of the following themes.

Violent, dangerous, or criminal behavior

Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that could promote or facilitate illegal or violent activity, such as:

  • Buying, selling, or trading firearms, ammunition, or drugs  
  • Pyramid schemes
  • Acts of physical harm against other people
  • Animal abuse
  • Acts of vandalism
  • Advocating for, inciting, or making aspirational statements or threats to commit violence against any group of people, individual person, or specific location
  • Weapons and explosive-making
  • Militia gatherings or any calls for violence in response to private or public events
  • Exposure of an individual’s personal information
  • Promotion or glorification of self-harm (for example, suicide, eating disorders or substance abuse)

Don't Promote Illegal or Inappropriate Activities

  • Illegal gambling activity (whether illegal under any U.S. federal or state law, or non-U.S. law),
  • Sale or ingestion of illegal drugs, other illegal substances, or nutraceuticals,
  • Activities that principally promote any other commercial product or service, such as an "infomercial," unless such promotion is expressly indicated to users in a legally sufficient way, such as through a prominent "Advertisement" disclosure,
  • Unauthorized multi-level marketing businesses,
  • Activities that demean, harass, intimidate, threaten or express hatred toward any societal group, whether based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, or veteran status,
  • Sale, distribution (including raffles, auctions, giveaways), unlawful use, or trade shows of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition; or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury.
  • Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that organize, promote, provide for, distribute services for, or recruit for terrorist organizations.

Don't Incite Hate Violence or Harassment

  • Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that incite hate, violence, or harassment against individuals or groups of people based on personal attributes such as race, color, religion, descent, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, age, disability, or a medical or genetic condition.
  • Communities / events must not advance conspiracy theories that promote hatred or violence against individuals or groups based on any of the above personal attributes. Conspiracy theories that diminish or deny the documented suffering of a group of people are not permitted.

Don't Post Harmful or Illegal Content

We expect you to respect the individuals, organizations, and groups that are a part of the Filteroff community. You may not distribute any written or other content through the Filteroff Services that:

  • Impersonates any person or entity, including without limitation any government officials or public figure; falsely states or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with any person or entity; or expresses or implies that Filteroff endorses any statement you make without express written approval to do so,
  • Promotes or encourages hate or dangerous content (as we've also described above),
  • Defames or libels any other person,
  • Invades any person's privacy, or contains a person's likeness without their permission,
  • Harasses, threatens or seeks to intimidate any person (also described above),
  • Promotes potentially harmful misinformation or intentionally deceptive disinformation,
  • Is fraudulent, deceptive or tortious, or
  • Is protected by copyright, trademark or trade secret law, unless you have the express prior written consent of the owner of such right.

Targeted to individuals under 18

Filteroff members and organizers must be at least 18 years old. Filteroff communities / events must be only targeted to people over the age of 18.

Harmful misinformation

Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that contain misinformation. This includes medical misinformation such as:

  • Assurances of health cures or mental cures
  • Unrealistic health, diet, and weight-loss claims
  • Claims that have been scientifically disproven and that may pose a public or personal health risk

Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that contain financial guarantees, including:

  • Assurances of financial gains
  • Promises of specific returns on investment

Misrepresentation or concealed intentions

Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that conceal or misrepresent the primary purpose of the group or its events, including:

  • A group created with the purpose of deliberately spreading false or deceptive information
  • A group created with the sole purpose of making a statement or sparking controversy

Sexual exploitation

Communities / events must not contain content or promote events that promote or facilitate sex trafficking, prostitution, escort services, or any other type of sexual exploitation.

Pornography, nudity, or sexual content

Communities / events and events must not contain pornography or publicly shared nude or sexual photos.