50 Tips For Dating in 2024

With 2023 in full swing and still single you may have begun to second guess how you’ve approached dating. In the comprehensive list below, we go through 50 tips for dating in 2023. Some may seem unconventional and may push you outside your comfort zone, but anything that requires a new strategy and again may be uncomfortable. So, stick with it and try out some of the tips below!
Here are 50 Tips for Dating in 2023
1. Communicate your needs
Share what you’re looking for upfront. If your date is looking only for a hookup and you’re looking for something serious, make it a hard pass. Set boundaries and follow through.
2. Don’t get attached to people you barely know
If you just meet and fall in love take a step back. You definitely don’t know them and you may be projecting on what you want them to be versus who they are. Give it a few dates and play it out. They may or may not be your ideal match.
3. If they stop texting don’t make a big deal about it
If they stop texting you and in your gut you think they’re probably not that into you, either move on or follow up a week later. Don’t stress out. There are so many fish in the sea. They may be busy, but if they’re genuinely interested they will take the time to meet you. So don’t obsess or overdo it. After a few messages without a response, it’s probably best to just give up.
4. Don’t let them talk you into waiting if they’re not ready
I like you but… These are the infamous words. If a guy or girl shares this and drags you along, at least be prepared for the worst. If they’re not ready for you now, will they ever be ready for you?
5. Don’t stress out about labels
If you want labels, communicate it. If the person you’re dating doesn’t want to be considered your official boyfriend or girlfriend, you may have to think twice about whether they see this as something serious. Trust your gut, but you can also have an honest conversation and ask them why are you against an official label? Dig deep and you may get down to the root cause of why they’re so against it.
6. Go on dates that excite you
You may be dying to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in 2023, but don’t go on dates just to go on dates. Sure practice can help, but if you begin to find yourself in a routine of going on dates that don’t excite you, you may have to take a hard look at yourself and decide whether that’s what you really want or not. It’s okay to reject people or turn down a date request if you’re really not feeling it. Respect your time as well as theirs.
7. Stop putting in the effort if they’re not that into you
Do you feel like this relationship is one-sided? If so, you have to evaluate whether that is how you’d like to spend your energy. Would someone who loves you really not put in the effort you’re putting in.
8. Don’t ignore the red flags
If there are a number of red flags that come up while dating, ask yourself if this is someone you actually want to be with. The last thing you want to do is wait and you realize they were not a fit after all. The one thing you can never get back is your time. In short, draw a line if there are a ton of red flags that make you uncomfortable in dating this person.
9. Follow your intuition
Similar to other points, you must follow your intuition/gut when dating in 2023. If something seems off about this person or you really are not that into them, don’t waste your time or theirs. It’s okay to break it off.
10. Share your location with a friend on a first date
This is important for safety. If you’re meeting your date, share your location with a friend just in case or enable the Find My Friends feature on your iPhone so your friend can see where you are.
11. Ask for their Instagram
Everyone nowadays has an Instagram, unless you became addicted and had to forcibly delete the app. By asking for their Instagram you can get a snapshot into their life. Unfortunately, not everyone will share their Instagram, especially if they don’t know you.
12. Go on FaceTime chat
This may be uneasy for some people to video chat before the date, but it’s the best way to see if they’re who they say they are. Apps like Filteroff use video chat to prevent any sort of catfishing. Yes, it may be uneasy but what’s better, trying it out and feeling uncomfortable or showing up to the date only to realize you have been catfished?
13. Don’t go over to your dates house on the first date
This seems like an obvious one, but it’s so important to get a feel for your date before going to their house. Start with coffee or a drink in a public setting.
14. Meet in a public setting
Getting into public settings, it’s essential to not go to a desolate area on date number one. Go to an area where there are many other people. Your safety is a top priority.
15. Treat it as an experience/process
Dating is a process. You may be at the point of being frustrated but think of it as a process. Going on bad dates can actually be helpful in learning don’t like in a person.
16. Wear protection
The last thing you want is to be tied to someone for the rest of your life unwillingly or receive an STD for your date. Be smart and wear protection even if the guy or girl says you can pull out. Pulling out isn’t effective whatsoever, be smart and wear protection to avoid unwanted pregnancies and STDs.
17. Be upfront about STD history
When you start sleeping together, you can have the conversation and get tested before you decide to not wear protection. However, if you’re not in a monogamous relationship this point is moot.
18. Don’t be strong-armed into sexting / sending nudes
If your date asks you to send nudes or begins sexting you, it’s okay to say no. Don’t let them guilt you into something you don’t feel comfortable with. Also, pictures on the internet can live forever. You don’t want your photo showing up on a site or being shared with your date’s friends.
19. Use the block button if they send an unsolicited pic
Unfortunately when being on a dating app, many men have a tendency to send unsolicited pictures. Feel free to hit unmatch. If they send you one while texting, feel free to block them.
20. Ask about past relationships
It’s natural to bring up previous relationships. Listen closely to how those relationships went and how they see their past exes. If they have all gone poorly and every single one they despise, that could be a red flag.
21. Kids
Don’t be ashamed of asking about their past. It’s okay to ask if they have kids. It is up to you to decide whether you want to date someone with kids since that’s another layer of commitment.
22. If they’ve been married
It is not uncommon to date someone in their 30s only to realize that they were recently divorced. They may still have battle scars. Again this is up to you on whether you want to date previously married men or women. The likelihood of meeting divorcees only increases with age.
23. Religion
Does their family only want them to date someone of their religion? That can be the case. This is something that should not be avoided. The last thing you want to do is be in a relationship in 2022 and then in 2023, they decide to break it off because their family does not approve.
24. Don’t let someone pressure you
If someone you begin to see begins to pressure you and you ask them to stop but it’s persistent, it is up to you if you’d like to continue to see this person. In all likelihood that will be the type of relationship you will have with them. Don’t get confused in someone pushing you to go outside your comfort zone versus flat out pressuring you to do something you don’t want to do.
25. Practice
When you first begin to date, it may go poorly. Like anything, you are not a master at first. When you first begin to workout you hit the lightweights then progress to heavier and more complicated exercises. It is similar when it comes to dating. Don’t be hard on yourself if the first few dates are not ideal. Keep practicing and build the dating muscle for 2023.
26. Don’t let your parents influence you
This is something that may not be avoided unless you sever your relationship with them. However, if you fall for someone and your parents tell you not to date them because of religious purposes, for example, it is up to you to make that decision. Remember, it is your life. Your parents won’t be here forever.
27. Listen to advice with a grain of salt
Your friends may have their opinions about the person you’re seeing. However, take it with a grain of salt. They may not have your best interest at heart and maybe projecting their past experiences. Thank them for their feedback, but ultimately it’s your decision.
28. Share common values
Do you and the person you’re dating share common values? Opposites don’t always attract. Sure they may be complimentary in your life, but if they don’t share fundamental values, your relationship is going to be a rocky one.
29. Don’t play games
It’s 2023, don’t play games in your relationship and pull at one’s heartstrings through manipulation. If you like them, treat them well. If you’re not feeling it, be honest. Don’t waste their time.
30. Abuse
If you’re in an abusive relationship, end it now. You don’t deserve physical or emotional abuse. Even if they guilt you into feeling that way. If you’re being abused call the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
31. Don’t date someone looking for validation
Once you begin to date, you may notice that some people will seek your love in order to feel good about themselves. Make sure you’re hyper-aware of this. That individual may not be ready to date as of yet and may lead to a messy and challenging relationship. If they cannot believe that they’re worthy, it is not your responsibility to make them feel that way.
32. Do they complement who you’re as a person
Finding someone in 2023 is quite different than the past. Date someone who brings out the best qualities of you. Do they light you up? Can you learn from them?
33. Do they make you feel good
This is essential to any friendship or relationship. If you begin to date someone and they make you feel crappy, break it off. There are so many beautiful people out there, don’t be around someone that saps your energy or makes you feel bad inside.
34. Do you learn from them
If you’re 30 and begin dating someone and get married you may be with that person for 60+ years. Find someone that fascinates you. Someone you can learn from versus someone who bores you. Looks fade, but knowledge is ever-expanding.
35. Can they be your best friend
Similar to the last point, you may be with this person for the rest of your life. When dating, date someone that you consider your best friend versus someone who is fun to be around. Why sell yourself short?
36. Don’t be afraid of making the first move
If you’re truly into someone and you want to go for that goodnight kiss and it feels right (without being creepy about it), go for it! It’s 2023 express and show how you feel. Again, trust your gut. You don’t need to kiss them after date number 1.
37. Great sex
If your sex is lacking, that is a big deal. You may be with this person for the rest of your life. Is bad sex something you’re okay with living with. That’s ultimately your call, but sometimes sexual chemistry may not just be there.
38. Won’t wear a condom
If the guy refuses to wear a condom or similar to a previous point says that he will pull out, say no. In the moment everything may happen quickly, but make sure to be stern on wearing protection. You don’t want an STD or unwanted pregnancy.
39. Respectful
This may seem obvious, but is your date respectful? How are they around your family? Your friends? Do they treat you like your best friend? If you feel otherwise, this likely is not a match.
40. Don’t cheat
Unfortunately cheating happens and it sucks. If you feel the need to cheat on your partner, just break up with them. The emotional wounds that it can cause can last a lifelong. If you care about them, have a discussion on how you’re feeling or end it if you’re no longer feeling it.
41. Give compliments freely not to reciprocate
Giving compliments freely is the cheapest and one of the most effective forms of currency. Give them, just to give them without expecting anything in return. If you love the dress your partner is wearing, share that with her. If you love how he makes you feel good with his morning texts, acknowledge it and share how much he means to you.
42. Take accountability for your actions
If you make a mistake own up to it. Don’t blame others. Learn from your mistakes. Accountability stems deeper than making mistakes. It is for every decision you make. Once you hold yourself accountable for every decision in your life, that is when you will begin to see yourself as a powerful person. Whether the decision was a poor one or not, it’s a learning experience. You’re not going to bat a thousand. Life is a game of practice and failures.
43. Be honest with yourself
What is it that you actually want? Do you no longer want to be in a relationship? Do you feel that he or she is not doing it for you? Time is the most expensive currency. By waiting and saying that a person will change or the feeling you feel for someone, you’re only prolonging the worst. Be upfront with yourself. Sometimes it does take time to realize what you want, but don’t lie to yourself. You don’t want to wake up one day and regretting that you never had the courage, to be honest.
44. Be open to new experiences
There is nothing sexier than someone who is open to new experiences and trying new things. Life is an adventure. Be open to the opportunities that present themselves.
45. Don’t shy away from online dating
About 50% of all people meet their significant others from online dating. Don’t limit your opportunities.
46. Pay for your dates
Men, pay for your dates. If your date refuses when picking up the check, insist. If she refuses again, split it.
47. Don’t do expensive dinners on date #1
You meet this amazing woman from an app. She is beautiful and you would love to make a good impression. You go out for steaks with wine, appetizers, and dessert. $200 later with a fat bill, you realize you made a mistake. You weren’t that into her. Skip dinner on date one and start with drinks. You can even keep it to a drink each.
48. Don’t over text
Try to go on actual dates. They may seem like the perfect match over text, but their texting skills don’t necessarily translate into how well you two will vibe in-person. Make plans, don’t over text, and meet.
49. Don’t obsess after date #1
It’s easy to think he or she is the one after date number one. You start texting them how is your day multiple times a day. If you begin to feel this way, take a step back. Don’t text them for a day. Give yourself time to cool off and come back to reality. Another way to stop obsessing is to go on a few more dates to take your mind off your date that you were obsessing about.
50. Date a few people until you find the right fit
Take your time. Go on dates. See what you like and what you don’t like in a person. Don’t settle just because they’re into you.
Dating in 2023 may seem overwhelming. You may feel like you will be single forever. Reflect on this list and see what’s missing when you date or in your current relationship. Dating is a process. You learn, you grow, you evolve as you date.
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